Hybrid systems of mini wind and photovoltaic power plants to be more efficient

At Voltaic we combine the installation of solar panels to generate electricity with mini wind energy, creating hybrid systems that allow us to take full advantage of existing renewable energy opportunities. In many places, the wind flow is optimal for installing wind turbines to complement solar energy.

We rely on the combination of mini wind energy installations with photovoltaic installations in order to make the best use of existing energy sources 24 hours a day.

wind energy installations
wind energy installations

How photovoltaic installations are complemented by mini wind energy installations?

When we talk about wind energy installations for domestic or industrial use, one should not imagine that a huge wind turbine is installed, but smaller ones ranging from 3 kW to 60 kW.

The combination of the wind turbines or windmills with the panels makes it possible to generate energy in 24-hour cycles: during the day and sunshine hours, energy is produced by the photovoltaic panels. During the night, on the other hand, windmills are used to harness the wind.

How photovoltaic installations are complemented by mini wind energy installations?

When we talk about wind energy installations for domestic or industrial use, one should not imagine that a huge wind turbine is installed, but smaller ones ranging from 3 kW to 60 kW.

The combination of the wind turbines or windmills with the panels makes it possible to generate energy in 24-hour cycles: during the day and sunshine hours, energy is produced by the photovoltaic panels. During the night, on the other hand, windmills are used to harness the wind.

wind energy installations

What are the advantages of combining solar and mini wind energy?

  • The service life of the batteries is increased, as they are not subjected to such demanding work.

  • It reduces or even eliminates the diesel fuel needed to run generators or auxiliary units.

  • It allows the size of the batteries to be reduced.

  • The number of solar panels can be reduced.

  • We do not rely solely on one source of energy.

What are the advantages of combining solar and mini wind energy?

  • The service life of the batteries is increased, as they are not subjected to such demanding work.
  • It reduces or even eliminates the diesel fuel needed to run generators or auxiliary units.

  • It allows the size of the batteries to be reduced.
  • The number of solar panels can be reduced.
  • We do not rely solely on one source of energy.

When is it advisable to invest in a mini wind energy installation?

At Voltaic we are studying this in depth, we have systems and technologies that allow us to detect areas that reach 5 m/s per year, which is what is required for a wind system to be profitable. If we are able to detect these points, we will be able to install the necessary technology for optimal performance.

The service life of these wind turbines is more than 25 years, a figure very similar to that of photovoltaic installations. For this reason, at Voltaic we are committed to combining both energy sources and we do so with top quality equipment, as this is the only way we can guarantee our customers maximum efficiency and performance.

If you are interested in finding out if you can combine your solar installation with a wind energy installation, we encourage you to contact us and Voltaic’s technicians will carry out the relevant studies so that you can make the right decision.